I havent shopped at Mal Wart in years. Like others have said I try to avoid it like the plague. The isles are crouded, unorganized, and dirty. The employees are unfriendly. Quite frankly I think I hate that store. I would rather travel further and pay more than to cross the threshold of that un-holy Magog.
Darth Yhwh
JoinedPosts by Darth Yhwh
Your thoughts about Wal-mart
by desbah in.
do you shop at wally world?
i can spend over $100.00 on little items, man shopping at wally world is the devil on my checkbook.
What are you listening to right now....
by desbah infor me i got into nirvanva again...listening to "lithium" chills me out
Darth Yhwh
At the moment:
3 Libras by A Perfect Circle
Life Force in Plants never mentioned by Watchtower
by VM44 inthe watchtower for decades has said consistently that both man and animals have the same spirit, or life force.
but what about plants?
i have not seen the watchtower ever mention that plants, which are living things, possess spirit, or a life force.. i wonder why that is so.. --vm44
Darth Yhwh
Life force in plants is never mentioned in the Watchtower because the GB's members never twisted up a big fat tuna and got ripped with the plant's Life force.
Darth Yhwh
Damnit!, I need to send a package with that!
Do You Think Bag Searching Violates Your Rights?
by minimus inin view of the transit bombings, do you feel that police should be able to search you or your bags at anytime?
Darth Yhwh
Kudos to you EvilForce, well said! The problem is that too many Americans are complacent in their daily lives, have never even read or much less though about the constitution and their freedoms, and really give two shakes less of what their government is doing with their liberties.
Thomas Jefferson once said "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." I certainly am not an advocate of violence, however sometimes I think about his words and wonder if it isn’t time for a second American revolution, one in which the American conscience is awakened and the populace realizes what it means to have a government for the people, of the people, and by the people. If it takes some blood shed than perhaps it’s worth it.
Latest on Creative Days?
by Justin inin the book from paradise lost to paradise regained (1958) the society published a commentary on genesis, chapter 1 in which the creation was explained in terms of a scientific theory which was supposedly compatible with the bible.
for example, "when the earth was formed, it was a hot ball of gas, and no doubt looked much like the sun does today.
" (page 9) and, the earth was enveloped in a "blanket of darkness .
Darth Yhwh
WTBS publication Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? copyright 1998 in chapter 6 (An Ancient Creation Record-Can You Trust It?) gives a brief run through of the six creational days. The following paragraph was one that I felt exceptionally interesting:
Chapter 6, page 100
By the close of the sixth "day" the Creator had done everything necessary to fulfill his purpose. He could rightly pronounce everything he had made "very good." (Genesis 1:31) At this point the Bible introduces another important time period by saying that God "proceeded to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had made." (Genesis 2:2) Since the Creator "does not tire out or grow weary," why is he described as resting? (Isaiah 40:28) This indicates that he ceased performing works of physical creation; moreover, he rests in the knowledge that nothing, not even rebellion in heaven or on earth, can thwart the fulfillment of his grand purpose. God confidently pronounced a blessing upon the seventh creative "day." Hence, God's loyal intelligent creatures-humans and invisible spirit creatures-can be certain that by the end of the seventh "day," peace and happiness will reign throughout the universe.
I've hi-lighted a couple of points that were interesting to me when I first read this book. Although I am very pressed for time right now so I will return later to post the points that I wanted to make.
Hope this helps.
Do You Think Bag Searching Violates Your Rights?
by minimus inin view of the transit bombings, do you feel that police should be able to search you or your bags at anytime?
Darth Yhwh
YES! A bag search at a subway station is a direct violation of the constitutional rights afforded me under the fourth ammendment.
A Religion in Massive Denial ( Wt 8/15)
by metatron inthe latest watchtower contains one of those statements that makes you gasp in astonishment.
in the main study article.
it says that jehovah's witnesses have "been labeled false prophets" - and that they are accused of being out of touch with reality,.
Darth Yhwh
Jourles , I too found the quote regarding Jesus and Jehovah living together in heaven for billions of years. That statement certainly puts a spin on the way that I was led to believe growing up as a witness.
Darth Yhwh
Well thank you very much!
Darth Yhwh
Yeah, Hendrix is one of my favorites. I saw a video of his wood stock performance and I dont think he opened his eyes once while playing. The whole time he had his eyes rolled up into his head, playing with the "mirrors of his hands". Jimmy rocks in my book.